Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Introduction to the Geography of Rome

My name is Tyler Hall. I am a musician, first and foremost, but I have always had a knack for history in me. Why? That's a fantastic question that I do not have the answer to. Something I've learned about people that are into any kind of history is that they have one specific place that fascinates them more than anything else. I am no exception to this rule. I have always had a special place in my heart for Rome.

The Eternal City, to me, is characterized by it's huge amount of history that remains existent to this day. But I think it's time we look at Rome in a different way. Rome is extremely interesting geographically.

The seven hills of the city, the Tiber River, the Apennine Mountains, and the Tyrrhenian Sea are all geographical landmarks of the city. These landmarks are all huge in the history of the city. But what is it about the landmarks that make them such geographical powerhouses? How do the affect the city itself? These are questions I do not have the answers to. Yet. However, I look forward to doing a little roaming around (Get it? Roaming...Rome-ing...) and finding the answers to any geographical questions about the city.

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